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June 20, 2023, 5:12 p.m. -  Vik Banerjee

**_"Will there come a point where I can’t get work as a wrench or a writer because I don’t want to work on e-bikes (anymore, I have in the past) or to write about them? Probably not for the former and most likely for the latter."_** The one thing the internet does really well is collect a dispersed niche community and focus it into something cohesive. So I'm hopeful there will be at least one high quality human powered dirt bicycle channel on the internet that can survive The Rise of the Motors.  Bicycle Quarterly is doing well...mostly in print no less and they are 100% meat focused...although they are doing the roadie/rando/gravel thing. There is also Substack and Patreon as options. Keep on writing about meat machines and we'll keep on reading.

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