Interesting analogy and I totally agree WRT bastardisation and bandwagon
jumping. I'd say the Seattle music scene wasn't really any more distinctive
than what was going on in many (most?) cities in the westernised world, but
it's not like the mainstream media has a clue about a culture that runs that
deep. I wonder if the same could be said for The Shore? I think it probably is
more unique (than the Seattle analogy) but perhaps not to the extent that it's
been popularised. There sure is a concentration of internet media in this neck
of the woods…
May 19, 2015, 12:04 p.m. - NatBrown
#!markdown Interesting analogy and I totally agree WRT bastardisation and bandwagon jumping. I'd say the Seattle music scene wasn't really any more distinctive than what was going on in many (most?) cities in the westernised world, but it's not like the mainstream media has a clue about a culture that runs that deep. I wonder if the same could be said for The Shore? I think it probably is more unique (than the Seattle analogy) but perhaps not to the extent that it's been popularised. There sure is a concentration of internet media in this neck of the woods…