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May 15, 2023, 9:57 a.m. -  Justin White

Yes, there is a lot of nuance, that's why I didn't say high PoE is always better for that stuff. But low PoE is _always_ less consistent when the power comes back on, and that's the point. The stand up and stomp goes more towards the extra thought-load than actually pedaling power-squares at random times. Mostly climbing for most people, I suppose, but applies also if you need to intermittently pedal through a janky slippy traverse, or accelerate through a janky exit from a tight slow corner. The point is that when to do need to get back on the power strongly, the inconsistency of low PoE means that you sometimes have literally zero feedback as to those all-important nuances of what the rear wheel is doing. Meanwhile, your foot is accelerating, so when that feedback is able to be felt when the pawls catch up, you'll probably need a power correct. That delay and the corrections take time and thought and effort.

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