I have a Mach 6 and have very few complaints, but ya the cable routing bites.
I pulled the rear cables/housing out of the frame and ran them conventionally.
Works perfectly. Easy to maintain replace without messing with the shock and
doesn't rub on the shock body.
Next time I replace the rear der cable I'll drill out the last cable stop and
run full length housing. Running housing everywhere, but the last 12″ where
the rear wheel is churning up muck is dumb.
May 19, 2015, 8:01 p.m. - Vik Banerjee
#!markdown I have a Mach 6 and have very few complaints, but ya the cable routing bites. I pulled the rear cables/housing out of the frame and ran them conventionally. Works perfectly. Easy to maintain replace without messing with the shock and doesn't rub on the shock body. <https://c4.staticflickr.com/8/7383/14193003452_cea7cdd052_k.jpg> Next time I replace the rear der cable I'll drill out the last cable stop and run full length housing. Running housing everywhere, but the last 12″ where the rear wheel is churning up muck is dumb.