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April 4, 2023, 12:08 p.m. -  Andrew Major

Yeah, I mean, the stand is beautifully made - and you showcased it nicely. I’d love one of those clamps for my ~25 year old Park stand.  Beyond that there’s going to be an A / B reaction to the product. You know there’s someone(s) who had their mind(s) blown because they’ve been wondering forever why this product doesn’t exist and then there’s a pile of folks who are thinking “I need a door frame / I have to use my door frame?” If it’s the right stand being amortized forever and someone who’s willing to pay for nice things I don’t see the price being that much of a barrier if the product clicks.  People who really want a good bike stand on a budget thread two $1.50 hooks into ceiling studs and hang a piece of rope from either. One loop around the saddle, one loop around the stem.

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