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April 4, 2023, 6 a.m. -  bishopsmike

Hard to remain silent about those prices.  I haven't seen this in person, but nothing here really strikes me as better than a $200 Feedback work stand (maybe folding up slightly smaller, but it lives in your house so not a big deal either way).  And there seem to be many disadvantages, like requiring the doorframe, chance of damaging your door trim, blocking your doorway for the entire time you are working on the bike, pain to switch to other side of your bike, no height adjustment, tiny clamp, etc.  And I am tired of the argument of "it took a lot of work to design this thing". What matters is the benefit of the final product, and (if you care about these things) the conditions of where it is made.  If someone spend 17 years designing prototypes for this, or just woke up on Monday with the idea, it doesn't change anything about the product.

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