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March 5, 2023, 9:27 a.m. -  Andrew Major

I find both 10spd and 11spd XT/XTR are quite positive compared to the lightness of the 9spd on my commuter so it’s all relative. Both are more buttery compared to 12-spd HG+. I tried to really focus on this on my last couple rides and if you had my hand in a vice I’d say LG is most similar to HG-10spd in terms of how the shifter feels but the shifting itself, especially with some power on the pedals, is most like HG+ in terms of how positive it is… I’m purposely not saying best-of-all-worlds but I’m thinking it. It’s neat how the chain “walks” up and down the cassette. Anywho, I recommend at least a parking lot test once bikes start showing up with LG drivetrains.

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