For those that are conscious about who they are purchasing from:
> The family belongs to the evangelical exclusive wing of the Plymouth Brethren (Brüderbewegung), a church movement that originated in the 19th century. The family's religious orientation also affects the company, whose mission statement is shaped by the church's principles. Equal participation of female family members in the company is not allowed; there are therefore no women among KG shareholders. To exclude the succession of daughters, so-called inheritance waiver agreements have been concluded in the past.
Feb. 20, 2023, 9:32 a.m. - Konrad
For those that are conscious about who they are purchasing from: > The family belongs to the evangelical exclusive wing of the Plymouth Brethren (Brüderbewegung), a church movement that originated in the 19th century. The family's religious orientation also affects the company, whose mission statement is shaped by the church's principles. Equal participation of female family members in the company is not allowed; there are therefore no women among KG shareholders. To exclude the succession of daughters, so-called inheritance waiver agreements have been concluded in the past.