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Feb. 16, 2023, 1:36 p.m. -  IslandLife

Hmmm... so a new wheel every year then?  I don't seem to have a problem taking a dented rim that's holding air to a dented rim that won't hold air anymore and now resembles a square or rectangle vs a circle.  I could see some issues around this part as well.  What if I couldn't get it to hold air, but somehow Santa Cruz can?  I guess you're paying for a crash replacement at that point.  That may be the ticket to how this will work out not too badly for SC... with lots of "well we got it hold air, so here's your crash replacement."  Which honestly is fair... otherwise they'd be shipping out a ton free rims/wheels.  I could also see "some people" going down the path of: "Hmm, this rim is pretty dented, but it's still holding air... let me just take 10 psi out of here for, you know, extra grip... .... ...there we go." And I'm assuming you ship the whole wheel to them (at your cost?) and they rebuilt it with a new rim, new nipples, old hub and as many spokes as they can salvage and ship it back (at their cost?).

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