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Feb. 15, 2023, 4:24 p.m. -  Andrew Major

They're welded - I assume chemically and then smooth-finished. There's no external seam, but I'll pull the tape and see what I see as part of the review. Reserve wheels are machine-built and then hand-checked. I didn't mention this on purpose because I have a strong - but totally throw-back/unfounded - bias towards hand-built wheels that I was trying to drown here. I checked the tension of these Reserves and they required zero attention out of the box. I've ridden plenty of high-end machine-built wheels and as a commodity, I don't think there's any reason not to buy a set. But, I also turn wrenches and appreciate the art of wheel building and the relationship of knowing the person who built your wheels and I think there's extra value in that.

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