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Jan. 22, 2023, 8:20 p.m. -  Anthony Klick

Question: My own 170 Arrival just came in and it shipped with a 425 coil. I am checking in at about 165lbs and I am only seeing 23-25% sag with the minimum WR1 recommended preload of 2 turns. In the article you moved from a 400lb coil to a 450lb and even mentioned possibly going to a 500lb coil. With that said can you comment on the sag values your were seeing for the 400 vs the 450 springs. You don't weigh much more than me and I would think that the 450 would be far too much. I just ordered a 400lb spring to try and hit the recommended sag of 30%. So far the bike rides fantastic but I am excited to see how it feels with the lower spring weight.

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