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Jan. 10, 2023, 3:18 p.m. -  a.funks

I’ve had a new style T9 Hillbilly Grid Trail 29x2.4 on the front of my Moxie 160mm singlespeed hardtail for about a month - snow, mud and wet, plus a few mixed on and off road commutes as my other bike has been out of action. I had a Magic Mary Snakeskin Soft 29x2.35 on there before. I presume this rolls slower but it’s hard to tell in these conditions. It feels very calm, even when I’ve taken the pressure up to 30psi for commuting. On the sodden trails I’ve been running about 17psi with a foam insert in there. I’m really impressed.  I have the old style T7 Hillbilly Grid 29x2.6 on the front of my other bike - that’s definitely more fussy about pressure and skitters more on wet roots. I presume the new one will be better in the dry - I don’t think the knobs are shorter but the side ones are far thicker - if it ever stops bloody raining I hope to find out! (T7 Butcher 2.3 makes a good rear tyre to go with it).

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