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Dec. 8, 2022, 4:51 a.m. -  Lynx .

One hella cool project, that's for sure. 2 guys who couldn't find what exactly they wanted and had the knowledge and experience to make their own and went ahead and did it. Some seriously cool and innovative thinking went on with this one, for sure. I expect having Tom's CNC experience/ability to make and not having to pay the exorbitant cost of having molds CNCd up sure help this project a lot.  Looks wise, yeash, it doesn't even come close to doing it for me, in my mind made to look funky to stand out from the crowd, I'd almost go so far as to use the word fugly to describe it, but not quite. For me clean, flowing, classic lines is the ticket, not some weird looking something. For me something like the DIGIT Datum or LAST Tarvo show great promise, especially the Last coming in just under $10k, but with parts like TrickStuff brakes, carbon hoops, XX1 AXS drivetrain shows that if you're not greedy, you can easily make and sell a top end parts bike under $10k. ![Last Tarvo]( ![DATUM Digit](

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