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Nov. 3, 2022, 7:50 a.m. -  hankthespacecowboy

Maybe it's because I was influenced by O'Mara, Wardy, and Bailey as a youth flicking through moto magazines, but I'm all about having a proper visor on my helmet. The Giro Switchblade, and Tyrant Spherical have been my favorites for echoing that '80's open-face vibe, and the visor is long enough to actually be functional in glare protection.  From another perspective, I just got into skiing a few years ago, and have been perplexed & disappointed by the lack of visor options for ski helmets. The likelihood of being caught in conditions of flaky precipitation falling from the sky, or ducking a snow-laden branch would seem to champion the pragmatism of visors, but since none of the World Cup pros bombing the Hahnenkamm wear visors, no self-respecting skier would be caught dead with a visor adequate to their local conditions.

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