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Nov. 2, 2022, 12:28 p.m. -  Blofeld

I really can connect to the a-b-c bike comparison. I made a swap to a higher rise bar on my FS this year. The objective was to get the bars higher so it would be less of a transition from the tall-headtube hardtail. First ride I washed out the front wheel in a corner and crashed. I ended up letting air out of the fork for the ‘adjustment period’, and I’m not sure if I’ll keep the additional rise or go back to my starting position in the end. It’s interesting how much give and take there is between fit and performance on the front end. Steering speed vs rigid fork compliance compensation vs seated pedalling comfort vs front wheel maneuverability has been the balance for me this year. It gets so convoluted it makes me think we’re measuring the wrong parts of the bike in geometry tables! I do think the ESL parameter that fartymarty brought up above is a good metric for this discussion. Now we need a standard for rise as well.

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