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Oct. 25, 2022, 5:17 p.m. -  Andy Eunson

Way back in the late 80s I had a road bike with a brinelled headset. Common issue for me as the head tubes on the small bikes I ride placed more forces on the bottom race and I went through a headset a year. I would notice it in corners where the balls would partly come out of the dents they made for themselves and go back in. The result was polygonal turns. Shitty. With the cam in the KIS there is greater spring force during the first bit of turning but that spring decreases as the bars are turned further. Is that correct? And if so how was riding no handed or in longer sweeper turns? Could you detect any sort of brinelled headset issue?  I find this concept really interesting. I can’t figure in my head how this would be different from a steering damper though. It makes the steering more stable at speed and slow riding. Isn’t that exactly what a damper does?  And how could a person test ride a Canyon?

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