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July 14, 2015, 11:41 p.m. -  NatBrown

#!markdown I enjoyed the read, and appreciate the perspective, but I've also got to say that I think I've been reading this series wrong the whole time. It's not actually sarcasm, as I'd previously thought. I'm smiling to myself; in the 'Uncle Dave' a few weeks ago, about buying a second hand bike, I thought it brilliant sarcasm all the things you'd bring with you, and the things you'd check on a potential purchase. Now I'm thinking, "Whoa, Uncle Dave is a really thorough guy." To the point of your article, I'm not really surprised at opinions that differ from mine. 1. As you can tell from the first paragraph, at a minimum I'm prone to some bad judgement calls, and more likely plain stupid. And 2. Look at how some populations in wealthy nations, with supposedly free elections, cast their vote. Some people out there probably think the voters of Greece right now are just trying to escape responsibility for their bad financial decisions. Some people out there might wonder how George W. Bush was voted in, in 04. No matter which side of the fence you're on, and how unreasonable the other side seems, a lot of people see it the other way around. Fucked if I know why, but they do. It's all around us, all the time.

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