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Sept. 19, 2022, 2:14 p.m. -  Wile_E.

Thanks for this article, Andrew.  I landed on my face on 7th Secret last month wearing my beloved Leatt DBX 3 Enduro.  Unfortunately, my chin bar was sitting at home in the closet where I forgot it.  Not a bad crash and all teeth still accounted for, but it made me think of all the times I've gone down or watched friends crash with chin bars attached to the pack instead of the helmet.  I think for me the justification for a full-time full face is how stupid I feel crashing without the chin bar I should have remembered to bring or put on.   I then saw your article and with my previously great experiences with Kali (and their crash replacement program) I picked up the Invader 2.0 AND a Maya 3.0 on sale for about the price of another Leatt.  I like the fact that if I think any part of the ride should have increased protection, I'll have the chin bar in place (Invader on) if I go down.  If it's super chill, I can take the Maya and if I land on my face, it will be less emotionally painful as it was a risk I committed to before leaving the house. Ventilation is incredible on the Invader over the Leatt.  It took me a few minutes to get used to the sensation of wind in (what's left of) my hair that I didn't have on the Leatt unless I was going really fast.  Sweat management, however, may be better in the Leatt.  Any tips on managing sweat as I found the Kali more drippy on my one ride so far? I also picked up the $6 USD breakaway accessory mount on the recommendation of Kali (they replied to my questions and follow up emails in minutes - a great sign of a company that cares).  The clip can go on either the Maya and Invader 2 and I like the breakaway idea.  It seems really secure on the Invader, but a little looser on the Maya.  Not sure why that is.

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