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Sept. 18, 2022, 11:15 p.m. -  otagoboy

I’ve used Ergon GS1 grips for over a decade now, on all my trail/enduro bikes. These have a slightly larger flare at the end compared to the GA3. They seem to have stopped making them this year, though you can still find a few online.  Despite what people say about this type of grip being inappropriate for downhill or enduro work, I find quite the opposite. They allow great security and control, with only relatively gentle grip force; I have never experienced arm pump with ergonomic grips. The SQ LAb 711s are a reasonable alternative; less flare and bit softer, though this seems to make them better for longer, less technical stuff, where high frequency vibration/chatter is an issue. I couldn’t care less about the look of them. Function over fashion any day. But then again, I love gripshifts, Pinions/Rohloffs and 16 degree sweep bars, which are more examples of items which work fabulously but are largely ignored by the masses. Some stuff you just have to try for yourself and ignore all the negative internet comments.

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