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Sept. 8, 2022, 9:59 a.m. -  Mike Ferrentino

The gooey mineral stuff really only gets used across the bridge of my nose and cheeks, and even then it's a sometimes yes, sometimes no proposition. The rest of the time, I use some broad spectrum spf 75 Neutrogena shit that is somewhat less greasy but still is very noticeable. I'm increasingly wearing long sleeves when i ride, even in super hot weather, and slowly figuring out the relative SPF or lack thereof offered by the massive variety of clothing that has long sleeves... Gloves are a relative new thing for me in the past five years. I went barehanded in about 1989 and never looked back. Blame it on the New Zealand upbringing. Then I began to have little things show up on my hands that needed to get burned off with nitrogen, so it was time to cover up. Yes, I really am that slow to learn some lessons...

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