I tried on a TLD A3 after I bought my Invader (just because it had been on the list and I had tried damn near every other helmet on the market) and it fits _very_ different from the A2. It's probably the best fitting half shell I've tried on in years for my difficult melon. I didn't buy it as I already had my Invader but if that Kali hadn't worked out I'd have been plenty happy in the A3 - even without the chinbar.
Aug. 23, 2022, 9 a.m. - khai
I tried on a TLD A3 after I bought my Invader (just because it had been on the list and I had tried damn near every other helmet on the market) and it fits _very_ different from the A2. It's probably the best fitting half shell I've tried on in years for my difficult melon. I didn't buy it as I already had my Invader but if that Kali hadn't worked out I'd have been plenty happy in the A3 - even without the chinbar.