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Aug. 22, 2022, 12:14 p.m. -  khai

I tried on a V1 but the shape/lack of retention system didn't jive with my round head and it wouldn't stay put (I have this issue with a LOT of helmets, not just the V1 Invader). I tried on the V2 as soon as it became available a little over year ago and it's been awesome.  No hotspots or pressure points, the fit is excellent, and I agree with everything that Andrew has said re: ventilation and hearing.  Interestingly, I was very surprised that when I mounted my light on the chinbar I noticed that it felt a bit harder to breathe.  While it does sort of cover the big hole in front, there's loads of space in between the light and the hole as well as above/below the chinbar - but I did notice it.  It's not a big deal but that surprised me.  Certainly not a fault with the helmet itself, and perhaps more of a testament to how "not there" it really feels... I do wish that the little rubber nubs the are used for cheekpad attachment were more robust - well, not so much the rubber nubs themselves but rather the whole attachment system.  I haven't had any issues other than the nubs sometimes disappearing into the foam pad when I wash them so I have to find them and re-push them back through the holes, but it strikes me as a weak point in the design.  I assume it was chosen for lightness and it's likely that most people don't wash their pads/liner as often as I do. On that note the liner ripped one day when I was (somewhat carelessly) removing it to wash and I was pretty bummed.  Then I remembered that the helmet came with a BIG bag of spare pads, so as a hail Mary I went looking to see if they included a spare.  Along with multiple thicknesses of cheek pads they actually included **TWO** spare liners!  I've had the liner go on several helmets and have never successfully purchased a replacement - so this is a massive plus and Kali should be given huge props for the foresight. If anyone in the S2S area is looking to try one on, I got mine at Bike Haven in Squamish.

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