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Aug. 22, 2022, 10:24 a.m. -  IslandLife

I've been using the V1 for almost 3 years now?  I don't use any other helmets anymore (but I've also had zero Whistler bike park days in that same timeframe, where I'd use a more beefy helmet).  The breathability really is very very good.  Came from using a Bell Super 3R and found I almost never took the chinbar off and storing it was a pain, so moved to a one piece design (which also \*feels\* safer?). One of the hidden features of this helmet is how easily the cheek pads pop in and out while nicely fitting in a pocket.  With the cheek pads out, the breathability is almost indistinguishable from an open face helmet.  I started taking them out just for climbs on really hot days... but found the helmet still seems to fit so well and snug without them that I've started leaving them out a lot more recently...

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