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Aug. 18, 2022, 6:42 p.m. -  Justin White

Have to agree. It's insane seeing the industry tell us both sides at once. No impact, but here's a bunch of "stronger" (read: heavier and cheaper to make, for better profit margins) e-specific bullshit parts you need to buy. "It's you, with just a little extra boost", but don't forget your fucking e-lube to handle that little boost. Because normal stuff, that pros and large riders have always beat on, somehow can't handle a little "no external impact" power boost and 10 kilos extra weight? I weigh twice that of some riders I know, so I put more force through the chain just from gravity, and we've gotten along with the same chain lubricant for decades.  Shit, almost worse than e-lube is e-specific tires. If you need special tires, the part that literally contacts the ground, then there is definitely an impact to the ground above and beyond bikes that don't need special e-tires. Either e-bikes actually do have trail impact, or e-specific crap needs to go away. Can't have it both ways.

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