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Aug. 12, 2022, 5:22 a.m. -  TristanC

A couple weeks ago, a friend and I were on a biking trip. We'd done an ultra endurance race at the start of the trip, and had a week of fun riding on some of our favorite trail systems after. Right after the ultra race, we found out that his girlfriend had COVID, and that his hot water heater was currently flooding the basement, and he had to leave ASAP to take care of both. I was seriously bummed - we don't get to ride together much, and we'd had ton of fun stuff planned. He left, I was moping around, and then I got on the bike and went for a ride - and _damn_ that made me feel better. I rode solo the rest of the week, and enjoyed all of it. Bikes are magical. I've often thought to myself, "I've had hard rides, and cold rides, and wet rides, and boring rides. But I've never had a bike ride I wish I hadn't gone on."

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