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July 6, 2022, 2:32 p.m. -  Suns_PSD

Some timed testing shows that for at least some, it's just a feeling with little to no speed differential. GMBN did a mullet vs. full 29erĀ  test using a 5' female rider (I think) and a nearly 6'4" rider. The petite rider preferred and was faster on the Mullet, the big guy was 2 seconds slower on the mullet but also had more fun and for his big bike was going to swap to Mullet, for the fun factor. Both riders felt the smoothing action of the 29ers. Riders have definitely heard the siren song of 29ers. A 5'1" woman came to look at my my wife's size S high end 650b bike, then realizing it was a 27.5" scoffed and said 'no thanks, I thought it was a 29er'. My general opinion for trail/ AM riding is smaller adults should run 27.5s, medium adults mullets, and larger adults straight 29ers.

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