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June 8, 2022, 6:16 a.m. -  Mike Ferrentino

Curve, Crust, On-One, Salsa, Spank, Ritchey are just a few of the current wide bar purveyors. Curve and Crust are both definitely pushing into real wide dimensions. Personally, I vacillated between choosing the 480 and 520 PNW, and am glad I opted for the 520 but also am not sure I want to go wider. I also am not really a fan of mega-flare, and given my druthers would have preferred _less_ flare than the 20-degrees of the PNWs. So, most of the new super wide, super flared bars feel a bit overkill to me. I've got a buddy who rides those absolutely massive Crust Towel Racks and swears by them, though, and he chews ridiculous mileage. So to each their own!

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