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June 6, 2022, 10:41 p.m. -  Andrew Major

Maybe not a popular opinion but given the amount of absolutely hacked sh*t I’ve seen I think it was better when more suspension brands were particular about who serviced their product (at least from the perspective of having the best versions of their product in the wild). Backwards compatibility is awesome, I think. Your local service center can still fully service and update CCDB piggyback shocks going back to gen-1 production. They were introduced in **2005**, I think the first one I rode was in 2007. At the very least, it tracks with my personal philosophy of seeing high end, high performance, parts as a longer term investment.  ——— Despite the age of the damper, the shock I’m riding is identical to a current CC DBair IL you’d buy from Cane Creek today. I’ll talk more about current comparables in the future review.

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