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May 27, 2022, 8:47 a.m. -  Justin White

I can't wait to see more analysis of their claims of reduced damper "crosstalk". I get the high flow pistons allowing more oil through the check valves, but that's not a case of rebound adjustments affecting compression damping directly. Even existing rebound check valves flow the same no matter the rebound setting. The high-flow just means more of the compression damping is coming from the adjustable compression valves and the rebound check valve is acting less like a pre-set mid-valve. This isn't necessarily good or bad, just a different way of tuning the base compression damping. However, HSC and LSC will always have some interaction. Just because there is a free-bleed through the HSC circuit, that doesn't change the fact that the change-over point is dependent on both LCS and HCS settings. Is there a mid-speed valve that somehow overlaps both HS and LS and controls the change over?

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