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May 26, 2022, 9:12 a.m. -  Andrew Major

Not a RockShox specific comment, but I think there was certainly lag between when trail bikes started getting much slacker HTAs and suspension manufacturers started designing systems (bushings/stanchions) to resist binding during telescoping. Especially in less-steep rugged terrain where forces are trying to move the wheel in every direction except inline with the plane where the fork lowers need to go.  Hence so many aggressive riders gravitating to the heavier uppers of ‘e-bike rated’ forks. Further, most bushing systems are hydrodynamic (there needs to be a layer of oil between the bushing and stanchion) so in the above situation if the fork isn’t routinely serviced and stored properly there will be a significant increase in binding and bushing wear.  ——— More bushing/stanchion contact, made possible in part by reduced travel ranges, is great in theory. But it’s only going to be a net benefit on forks that are properly maintained/stored. Otherwise I’d expect more binding and friction.  ——— To answer your question, I know plenty of riders charging hard on the last gen Lyrik who’ve never complained about issues with binding. So I think it probably comes down more to QC/QA on individual forks and, of course, service intervals. I have seen a couple RockShox forks (both Boxxers) over the years that escaped QC with wickedly bad bushing bind from issues with the lowers but in both cases SRAM replaced the lowers tout de suite.

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