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May 16, 2022, 6:07 p.m. -  cheapondirt

I'm pro-handlebar because I think it gives my son better leverage against his momentum under braking. Is it worth the money? Maybe not to the extent that the seat itself is. But the \[original\] seat is the best value out of all the bike related products I've bought in recent memory. If someone is on the fence between original and Pro, they may consider whether the seat height will be different. On my XL frame with good standover but long seat tube, I'm confident the original sits a fair bit lower than the Pro would (YMMV). I want all the over-child's-head visibility I can get. I would also note that in my opinion, a dropper post is an essential pairing with KRS. I use it every time we come to a stop, even on the street. There's no room to step forward off my saddle.

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