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May 12, 2022, 5:55 a.m. -  kcy4130

Higher skills allows one to go faster and bigger, but doesn't require it all the time. Higher skills can mean the difference between a save and a crash when the unexpected crops up. Like when a rock has moved and you have to quickly improvise a new line. Experienced riders, skilled or not, know the limit (approximately) so can more accurately judge how much risk they take. The limit of grip or one's own skill level or whatever. How often they crash is determined by how often and how close to the limit they wish to ride. You don't know exactly where the limit is till you cross it. Which is why wc downhiller crash because even tho they know with much more precision (than us normals) where the limit is, they try to stay so close to it for a whole run that even a tiny error can cause a crash. But I agree experienced and skilled riders (who aren't trying to push the limit) usually stop having frequent minor crashes and just have the rare big nasty crash.

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