The more I read and hear from Dustin the more I think, "this guy gets it". At least part of "it" which I think is starting to boil down to honesty. There is minimal flash here. Dustin doesn't seem to vomit marketing and talks through his reasoning process regarding design choices; the good, the bad and the unfortunate no tube in tube.
Dustin, if you can ever respond to this question I am dying to know. What frames did you cut up as part of your research and can you elaborate of their failure points? You've stated that everyone is doing something a little different but that no one is making horrendous mistakes. I would ask about the subtle differences, what are their results in end outcomes and how WR1 is/will be different know...probably a trade secret.
Also, why dual link VPP? Climbing prowess in the search for that 90% bike? This question partly comes from another NSMB article re. Cam's comment on square edge hits. See link below. Will the 170 travel coiled enduro Arrival feel better on the shore, specifically Le Côte Obscur?
I realize this comment is partly a direct appeal to Dustin but I have faith that, despite the name, NSMB has reach.
April 25, 2022, 11:57 p.m. - Gage Wright
The more I read and hear from Dustin the more I think, "this guy gets it". At least part of "it" which I think is starting to boil down to honesty. There is minimal flash here. Dustin doesn't seem to vomit marketing and talks through his reasoning process regarding design choices; the good, the bad and the unfortunate no tube in tube. Dustin, if you can ever respond to this question I am dying to know. What frames did you cut up as part of your research and can you elaborate of their failure points? You've stated that everyone is doing something a little different but that no one is making horrendous mistakes. I would ask about the subtle differences, what are their results in end outcomes and how WR1 is/will be different know...probably a trade secret. Also, why dual link VPP? Climbing prowess in the search for that 90% bike? This question partly comes from another NSMB article re. Cam's comment on square edge hits. See link below. Will the 170 travel coiled enduro Arrival feel better on the shore, specifically Le Côte Obscur? []( P.S. I realize this comment is partly a direct appeal to Dustin but I have faith that, despite the name, NSMB has reach.