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March 30, 2022, 10:40 a.m. -  Shoreboy

I was in the same camp for the longest time. Why would I ever want to ride inside when riding outside is so much better?  Well this winter I decided to give the trainer thing a go, and I have to admit, its pretty good. Got a smart trainer and use Zwift. Currently have my mtb hooked up to it, but am actively searching for an old road bike to put on so I can get out on the mtb where it is supposed to be.  The fact is, I will ride the trainer on a dark, wet, cold night when I just cant stomach the thought of the three hours it would take to go out for a ride. 45 - 60 mins on the trainer gets the heart pumping and the legs a good workout (with different training programs its even better). Im positive my fitness this spring will be markedly better than it has been in the recent past just due to the consistency of being on the trainer. Dont get me wrong, id take an outdoor ride over a trainer ride anytime, but the convenience and advantages posed by a trainer in the dark and cold months are hard to argue.

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