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March 30, 2022, 6:48 a.m. -  Andrew Major

Thank you. The goals being always to entertain _AND_ inform, I figured I couldn’t be the only person who sort of discarded axle ends as “ugh, stationary trainer, I don’t do that” but in hindsight, even if I hadn’t ordered them up front, would have been excited to know that the option exists for rehab. Apparently there’s not a (recoverable) lower extremity injury for which spinning isn’t a key part of getting better. I hope you’re back at it for summer! I hope (doing all the work) I’m back at it for summer. Mid-summer is what I’m hearing for proper pedaling. Some light XC with my daughter sooner. Maybe back wrenching a bit before that too. The worst part of the mental game is certainly the plateaus.  Have a refresh commuter/gravel/light-trail project going on with my Walt V1 so hopefully will have that done for when I can pedal outside.  Heal up!

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