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March 29, 2022, 11:05 p.m. -  RideEverything

Great article! I just wish it was posted 2.5 months ago! I fractured a bunch of bones in my foot on the second day of the season snowboarding. I got the okay from the ortho in the beginning of January to start spinning. I did the same as you and bought a cheap trainer and crossed my fingers I could fit my HT to it. My axle kinda fit but it was ugly. I bodged a bit of a better contact point at the connecting points and I was off to the races going nowhere! I did have one moment when spinning where the trainer stopped holding my bike and luckily I didn't accelerate straight into the wall when the rear wheel made contact with the floor! The Wolftooth axle and trainer adapters would have made my setup so much better. Maybe I'll still pick it up as I like me some matchy-matchy coloured bits on my bike! Last week I graduated to bike commuting to my modified duties job since I can't go back to snowboard instructing this season. BikeĀ  commuting, even in the coldest crappiest weather, is so much better than spinning in my storage room! Heal up, Andrew! I know the mental and physical challenge you're going through. It takes so long but we'll both get there! My goal is to be healed and strong enough to do my summer season job as an mtb coach.

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