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March 24, 2022, 2:15 p.m. -  taprider

I'd like to see a transmogrification between a comfy rubber hooded road brake lever and the position and the pivot orientation of a mtn bike lever, so that the lever would act no different on a flat bar than a normal mtn bike brake, but the lever body could be held like a inner bar end or road bike hood (you could lightly brake from the inner position, but for bracing your body for powerful braking you would need to move back to regular mtn bike position). Magura already has the brake cylinder near perpendicular to a flat bar (just need a cam or linkage to adjust for the difference between pivot orientation and cylinder orientation), and you could also have the brake hose connect to the back of the cylinder perpendicular so that the hose would be inline and flush with the handle bars. Actually all cables could be easily oriented inline and flush with the handlebars, but just don't try to hide them or try to connect or tape them to the bars (it would be better to route all cables and hoses behind a handlebar-bag/roll rather than in big loops in front, the limitation would be that you couldn't do bar spins).

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