I also haven't done a single cycloross style remount with it since I first slapped it on my old Hunter road bike. To be totally transparent, it hasn't seen massive mileage - the Hunter was mothballed for several years and then the post got used on the newish Pivot because it was the only 27.2 post I had laying around. But it's about a thousand miles in now with no complaints, on top of a couple thousand over the prior decade.
March 22, 2022, 10:37 a.m. - Mike Ferrentino
I also haven't done a single cycloross style remount with it since I first slapped it on my old Hunter road bike. To be totally transparent, it hasn't seen massive mileage - the Hunter was mothballed for several years and then the post got used on the newish Pivot because it was the only 27.2 post I had laying around. But it's about a thousand miles in now with no complaints, on top of a couple thousand over the prior decade.