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March 19, 2022, 10:26 a.m. -  mikeynets

Pretty much everything you wrote about Banshee's modular approach, Dave's bike (and his approach) and the V2 Spitty in general can be ported over to my V3 Spitty. When I retired my '15 Norco Sight, I was looking for a frame only to swap all the parts except for the dropper, including my 142 wheelset and 11spd X1 drivetrain. The shifter and derailleur still work incredibly well.  Only significant change has been I recently put a 140 Z1 air up front with a +1.5 works headset to keep it from getting too slack (though in hindsight maybe it would've been just fine without it?) If you revisit this concept in 8 years, I could easily see my V3 being a viable min-max machine at that time.  Min-max tangential side note/question: most of my riding involves steep climbing where I really value the gearing of cassettes with 46 or larger low gear. But I'd happily run 9-11 spds and ditch the high gears of most wide range cassettes. In pursuit of a better chainline, is there any reason I couldn't take a cassette that has separate high gear cogs, ditch those and put some spacers inboard of the cassette to align the cluster more efficiently with the chainring?

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