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March 18, 2022, 1:38 p.m. -  Mark MacNab

I'm very much digging the Min-Max thing.     Mostly because it has validated via a label what I've been doing for the last several years to a 2013 Knolly endorphin. for several years my growing son hoovered up my bike budget so I was forced to continue ripping on the Gen2 Endorphin.    ..which was no hardship as it's proven to be extraordinarily capable, versatile and I think was ahead of it's time on the geometry front.    It also proved to be a very capable platform for updates with a 27.5 front end, conversion from 2x8 to 1x10, then finally 1x11.     It's still a capable bike but it's trajectory from light trail to heavy trail / light enduro found the limit at the fox 36 @ 160.  That was the point where the 26" & 145 back end struggled to keep pace with the front.       So, i've dialed it back to a fox 34 and a lighter duty 'trail-centric' build to get it back to a more balanced trim and picked up a 'new to me' Warden now that the child is funding his own bike. but yeah,   I'm entertained by this min-max series!

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