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March 17, 2022, 7:54 p.m. -  Jonathan Fournier

Thanks for the review, solid write-up as usual :) I have been soul searching in the brakes department since receiving the new Knolly Chilcotin last fall. Previous bike had code R, which felt pretty good compared to previous 2015 XTs. The Chili came with 2021 XTs. Wandering bite point after 5-6 rides. What a drag! I considered getting some RSC, but decided DOT was comitting an environnemental crime. Finally ended up getting some Formula Cura 4. For now I can say they look pretty rad, but I was not able to test them more then bedding them in the street. Hopefully I can find the feel of the code with the oil of the Shimano..! Maybe I should had considered the gravity TRPs. But hey, bike parts choices.. whats a first world problem do we have..!

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