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Feb. 26, 2022, 5:51 a.m. -  boomforeal

Well, the ICT fork adds 25mm to the A2C so the HTA is probably around 68*. Works well enough for around here. I feel like slacking out the front too much without steepening the sta would feel a bit weird. Bigger issue might be the reach, which is ~450mm.  As it stands the geometry is pretty close to v1 chromag surface with a bit more reach. I don’t think it would work well as a 1 bike for living on the north shore but out east where trails are flatter and covered in snow or ice half the time it’s a pretty solid compromise Hub spacing is 150/170mm. That’s probably obsolete by now but as you say it keeps the bb width/q factor down and makes the bike more comfortable to pedal on longer days than full-on fatties. I think it could clear 29x2.8” rubber but feel like that would jack the bb to high; I was thinking more like 2.4” ![](

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