Based on that I am guesstimating Trevor made it ~1,700-2,000m of gain (depends on your definition of the 'top' of Seymour) ~40-45kms for that loop (with faulty battery/motor) ? Very good if that's all on boost, that's bigger than any day I'm likely to do on leg power alone (~2x a typical Saturday ride for me) so definitely a big bonus.
I see a huge benefit from the e-bike for those that live close-ish to the trail but not so close that they'd normally want to pedal (especially if time crunched). With the e-bike you can pedal out from lonsdale or moodyville on boost to bust out a quick lap and be home in less than 2 hours without any car. That's friggin awesome.
Feb. 24, 2022, 11:25 a.m. - NewGuy
Based on that I am guesstimating Trevor made it ~1,700-2,000m of gain (depends on your definition of the 'top' of Seymour) ~40-45kms for that loop (with faulty battery/motor) ? Very good if that's all on boost, that's bigger than any day I'm likely to do on leg power alone (~2x a typical Saturday ride for me) so definitely a big bonus. I see a huge benefit from the e-bike for those that live close-ish to the trail but not so close that they'd normally want to pedal (especially if time crunched). With the e-bike you can pedal out from lonsdale or moodyville on boost to bust out a quick lap and be home in less than 2 hours without any car. That's friggin awesome.