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Feb. 14, 2022, 6:26 p.m. -  eriksg

The more I think about this issue of injury the more I think I'd be using the MTI and something else, maybe minimising the Overconfidence Index. Here's my thought:  I'd rather have a bike that reminds me to ride slower than a bike that gets me into bad situations and hangs me out to dry. So the cheaper I try to go on tires, suspension, and brakes, the more apt I am to remove features that might encourage me to overstep and crash big. I'd take iffy brakes on a rigid which is going to hold me back via fear and discomfort alone from finding the limits of those brakes. Iffy suspension I think I'd pass on entirely. Minimizing the Overconfidence Index means removing features, and letting the bike remind me what it can safely do.

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