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Oct. 6, 2015, 5:34 a.m. -  Luix

#!markdown I'd dare to ask why is everyone looking for the next trend in MTB, both online and on the field. And once that's answered, why does everybody think the next main trend in MTB is here to ruin their lives, kill their cats, send those provocative selfies they hold in their smartphones to their spouses, format clean their computers, pinch flat all their tires, rust their derailleur cables, throw air in their brakes and pour sugar in their gas tanks…. Seriously guys, just go out and ride the hell out of you. Stop defining yourself from what you lack and start building out from what you have. And if that doesn't work, try with a Freudian/Lacanian therapist. We have a saying down here: _"No tengo todo lo que quiero, pero quiero todo lo que tengo"_ (_"I don't have everything I want, but I want everything I have"_). TL/DR: **Use it or loose it**.

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