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Dec. 19, 2021, 11:45 p.m. -  Reed Holden

I have some sympathy for those people who park their bike for a second and lose something. That being said, most people's mtb bikes are like the Ferrari's of the bike world. If you leave a 8k bike in front of a coffee shop and all that is taken is a 50$ tool, I'd say you "got off with a warning." Kinda like the Ferrari owner leaving their wallet and keys on the front seat with the windows down and the top off and only losing the wallet. I'm not saying anyone deserves to get ripped off, but it's not really a surprise. It's actually more shocking that it doesn't happen very often. Given that most of the tools you have talked about cost as much as my beer bike, this stealth idea of yours seems misguided to me. Like Ferrari owners, a lot of people like their high end bikes to look special. Fancy colour tools in the headtube helps set your bike apart. Disguising them as cheap parts would be like putting hubcaps over top a nice set of mag wheels on your car. It is kinda funny that you posted your clever bike tool camouflage trick on the internet. The secret of your tool stash is safe with me ;)

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