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Dec. 17, 2021, 5:33 p.m. -  Ripbro

I love the pork chop bag on my ripmo. It wedges in between the top tube and down tube in the front and uses a plastic bracket around the shock mount, super slick. I keep a tube in it, some gorilla tape and my wallet and phone. It was tough to swallow the $100ish bucks for the bag, but if it got nicked I’d buy another one, I love it. I doesn’t look as clean as these new in frame options, but it works. I also have a loaded 100cc edc pump with the tool + pliers and bacon kit. I love running without a pack all summer. I remove the pump  whenever I will be away from the bike for an extended period of time. The frame bag is tough to remove, so it just stays on. Over $200 for these accessories, but my back stays cool, and I know I have almost everything I need to deal with a trailside mechanical.

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