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Dec. 17, 2021, 9:51 a.m. -  khai

I saw the title of this article and **_KNEW_** that it was you!  Chalk me up to paranoid but I always strip my bike of anything that might easily be pilfered when locked/away - not that I do very often, but say when grabbing lunch in Whistler village or the like.   One MASSIVE benefit of a vehicle that can easily transport bikes inside is the security factor.  Back when I carried them on the roof/hitch I always stripped them of easily removables as well - now it's a non issue, and excellent peace of mind.  Not just the bits, but the whole bike as well.  Sure someone could break in - but out of sight reduces the heat factor significantly.  I appreciate that having a cargo van as one's only means of (enclosed/motorized) transport isn't for everyone but I'd have one hell of a time going back...

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