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Dec. 15, 2021, 7:38 a.m. -  JT

Shortages not withstanding. That's the reason I went with my most recent complete- the 4 frames I was looking at were all out of stock with ETAs all over the place. It's a hard life, but someone's gotta live it. To me, it's just a spec issue on the part of the PM, possibly because of package deals being offered. There are plenty of hubs out there that offer quicker engagement that are in the same price range. My newbie came with the latest Deore hub and I was curious about how different the 10deg was going to feel since everything else I have is in the 5deg range. Surprisingly, not terrible. I definitely wouldn't want more lash as it's noticeable, but it isn't making me crack open my wallet on a new set of wheels just yet. I point this out knowing that it isn't an apples to apples comparison due to group/freehub models. There's no doubt higher end wheels make a huge diff in how a bike rides, but if engagement is what caused discord on a new bike, there are ways for a PM to account for it without disrupting price points terribly. That it has been such a comment generator on a review should really catch their attention and provide cause to address it on the next generation of the bike.

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