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Dec. 15, 2021, 5:02 a.m. -  Raymond Epstein

"I think the easiest way to think about it is that the closer you are to trials riding the more POE matters. Not that I’ve ever ridden actual trials. Up and over moves, skinnies, wheel lifts… anywhere that precision pedaling matters. Even timing a quick pump-and-pedal into a shoot. Anywhere you need to add momentum to make a downhill move easier."  I've never really understood this. I've ridden bikes with high engagement hubs and those without. I have a friend who swears by them and while I happen to enjoy loud hubs (yes, I know this isn't necessarily indicative of high engagement) I really never noticed a difference to the degree you've discuss here. Certainly not so much that it would make such a drastic change in the way a bike rode. I do however plan to build a new wheelset this winter and while I have a WTB hub (I think it's technically a rebranded Formula) that is crazy loud I have no clue of it's POE. Down here in Georgia [Factor Component hubs]( have become quite popular (nice build quality, sound, colors, nice locals), but again I have no idea what the POE is for them. They are supposedly a I-9 Torch knock off with better seals and bearings.

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